Ancient icons are kept in the temple, many of which are undated, but a special mention should be made of the fresco which is the main icon and represents the commander-in-chief Michael with a dagger and a scroll. The image of Taxiarchis was a fresco of the first temple which was located on its southern wall. It was probably created when the first temple was erected and when the second temple was built it was included in it, being its central shrine. It has undergone many repaintings in an attempt to cover the damages of time.

The wood-carved iconostasis from the old church is a work of the early 18th century, it is perforated in many places with images of the old church adorning the twelve. It should be noted that with the reconstruction of the second church, additions were made to lengthen and raise it, to adapt it to the existing one. The high priest’s throne and the pulpit are of this style. A multitude of old full-length and portable icons, noteworthy relics and sacred utensils are kept in the temple. Worth mentioning is an old icon of St. Theodore of Byzantium, which was created in 1800, just a few years after the saint’s martyrdom and depicts him together with St. witness Tryphon.

The bell tower that adorns the precinct is a work of 1908 by the practical architect Dimitrios Zervas and was built with building materials from Asia Minor.

H.T. Taxiarchon Kayaniou is a pilgrimage temple that attracts many people to honor the grace of the holy angels and to admire the magnificent view that stretches out in front of it facing the sea and the old Asia Minor Greece.

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