
Elia in Lesvos

With a focus on the olive tree and the olive groves of Lesvos, the texts, visual works and photographs in the album The Olive Tree in Lesvos showcase places and landscapes, unfold stories and traditions, capture attitudes and times. It’s all about culture.

Lesvos is the island that respects time as a measure of truth and beauty and trusts the earth as the matrix of life and growth.

The olive tree in Lesvos becomes a symbol, an idea and inspires artists. It is the reliable witness to the winds and toils of the outsider, the safe historian of adventure for growth and progress, the palimpsest of anguish. of sweat, loneliness, fire and clay. It knows how to withstand the wear and tear of time, but also to offer the incorruptibility of the moment.

The olive of Lesvos is the colorful gaze of Theophilos and the unruly beauty of freedom in the works of the younger painters. “In the shadow of grandmother olive” her “mystery of leaves”, Odysseus Elytis, carved the “beloved name”.



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