
01 Bali Alonia Petrified Forest Park

The Petrified Forest Park in Bali Alonia is the first outdoor park to visit the Petrified Forest. It was created in 1987 and since the 18th century the area has been referred to as “Main Petrified”.

Visiting the Park area is a unique experience. The abundance of standing petrified trunks, as well as their excellent state of preservation, impress all its visitors.

In the Petrified Forest Park, the systematic excavation research carried out by the Museum of Natural History of the Lesvos Petrified Forest has brought to light many plant fossils, among which is the tallest standing fossilized tree trunk known to date, not only for Lesvos but with certainty for the whole of Europe.

Its height is 7.02 meters and its circumference is 8.58 meters and it is the ancestor of the modern Sequoia tree.

During the excavations carried out by the Museum of Natural History of the Petrified Forest of Lesbos, many parts of fossilized plants (fruits, leaves, branches, roots) have also been uncovered, which are exhibited in the Museum’s rooms.

During your tour you can admire the unique appearances of Protopekids, which form small clusters and are the ancestors of the modern Pine.

Most fossilized trunks belong to the Taxodiaceae family, which are ancestral forms of the modern Sequoia species that grows on the west coast of the United States. This family also includes the largest standing trunk of a Coniferous tree (with a length of more than 20 meters) as well as the large standing trunks of Sequoia.

For the convenience of visitors to the Park, three thematic routes have been created, which allow a better acquaintance with the fossils.

At the Museum of Natural History of the Lesvos Petrified Forest you can find the outdoor guide for visiting the Petrified Forest Park at Bali Alonia, with detailed information on all the fossil sites and routes.

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