
Kalochtistos of Apotheka

In the area of Apotheka, at the entrance of Kallonis bay, a monumental rampart wall with a length of more than 50m is preserved. and 5m high. approx., which was built to contain the embankment that was made to form a very wide plateau on the slope. The locals have given it the name Kalochtistos. It is the most beautiful of the ancient monuments preserved in Lesbos. It is built with the Lesbian building system, characterized by the convexity of the seats of each stone, with the jointing being achieved using a lead rule.

The technique of deliberately avoiding achieving an absolute joint of the sides that touch, strengthens the impression that the visitor gets from the facade of the structure. The locally processed stones on the facade of the wall also contribute to this, increasing the effect of photo shading.

As I. Kontis says “The stones retain the natural appearance they got in the quarry on the surface, except that with some blows (certainly not by accident) pieces have left the surface and irregular dents and shells have formed, which increase the effect of photo shading and thus liven up the entire surface of the wall”.


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