The wide variety of habitats of Lesvos, as well as its position in the eastern Mediterranean, make it unique in terms of the variety of birdlife. In recent years, more than 300 species of birds have been observed on Lesvos (migration, nesting, hibernation, seasonal presence). The ideal time for bird watching is from March to the end of May and again from the end of September to the end of November.
The birds
There are species that are typical of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, such as the Tourkotsopanakos and the Smirnotsichlono. The Tourkotsopanakos (Sitta krueperi) exists only on Lesvos and nowhere else in Europe, it is a rare species and is found mainly in the pine forests, from the sea to its highest peaks, in the area of Olympus, Achladeri and Akrasi. The Smirnotsichlono (Emberiza cineracea) is rarer and can be seen in Eressos, Olympus and Agra.
Other rare species that nest on the island are the Moustakotsirovakos, Liostrichida, Ochrostritsida, Pardalopetroklis, Koufaidoni, Pardalokephalas, Kleidonas, Brachotsopanakos, Skouroblachos, Aetogerakina, Saini, Island partridge.
In the Kalloni Gulf, rare water birds nest such as: the Kalamokanas (Himantopus Himantopus), the Avocet (Recurvirostra avocetta), the Petrotilida (Burhinus oedicnemus), the Mikrotsiknias (Ixobrychus minutus), the Alcyone (Alcedo atthis), the neroxelidono (Glareola pratincole), the Kalamorkirkos (Circus aeruginosus), the Potamoglarono (Sterna hirundo), the Nanoglarono (Sternula albifrons), etc.
The Kastanopapia (Tadorna ferruginea) also, which is rare in Greece, nests in the area of Achladeri.
Other important species are the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra), with a few pairs on the island, and the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia), which has been decreasing in recent years.
Rich and important ecosystems for birds are the wetlands of Kalloni and Gera, the area of Olympus, the Prinovouni, the area of Akrasi, the area around Vatera, the area of Lepetymnos, Agiassos, Sigri, Eressos, Petra, Skala Polichnitou, Agra, Potamia, etc.
The observatories
Two observatories have been set up in the Gulf of Kalloni. One next to the Mytilini – Kalloni road, and the second in the area of the saltpans of Agia Paraskevi after the crossroad to the village of Agia Paraskevi.
The birds can also be observed in the village of Skala Kalloni, just before the entrance to the village, as well as in the Larsos-Dipi wetland, but also in the saltpans of Polichnitos.
The islets opposite Petra, Agios Georgios, Glaronisi and Myrmigi, are also a protected areas for wild birds. An ecological observatory operates in Agios Georgios.
Observatory for birdwatching has also the marine Park of Nisiopis, the islet located opposite Sigri and which one can go to with the special glass-bottom boat of the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest and the Bali Alonia Petrified Forest Park.
Kalloni Environmental Information Center
Contact info
Location: Skala Kallonis, Lesvos, Postal Code 81107
+30-22530-28091 | Kalloni Environmental Information Center
+30-22510-47033 | Natural History Museum Information Center
+30-22530-54434 | Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest, Sigri